White America
Good morning all, yes I'm still just about alive, dispite nearly killing both Nick E and myself trying to navigate round a bend in the dark, but thats a different story...
President Bush -A Racist
-5 easy steps to reducing the number of black people in America:
1) Work with mother nature -wait for a 'natural disaster' such as a hurricane to start in a State.
2) Decide not to send troops to evacuate the State.
3) Wait five or so days before sending in troops -so most of those who survived the actual storm will starve or die due to lack of medical treatment.
4) Order authorities to shoot 'looters' on sight -so when all those who are starving break into the local food store to avoid dieing, they get shot!
5) Let the rest die due to poor living conditions, malnourishion, or diarrhea...