05 January 2006

Got Me Some New Blades!

Just thought I'ld remind you all of my gallery blog (www.edessex-gallery.blogspot.com).
Got some pictures of a few new knives I've just bought.
Might be of interest to some of you.

04 January 2006

Need Some Ideas!

Erm... if annnnyone is out there... I'm getting bored, need some good ideas for things to write on this blog, and a way to encourage more people to write comments...

Also... if you have a free moment can you check out my website www.edessex.tk. -I am trying to re-teach myself web design; and I need to know what people think needs to change on the site. Any insights are better than none!


02 January 2006

Anti-Chav Site

Good morning, and year, and something... Thought I better make an appearence... yes, I'm still alive!

Anywho, getting to the point, some of you may like this:

"Chavs, Hoodies, Neds, Townies, Kevs, Charvers, Steeks, Spides, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Kappa Slappers, Skangers, Scutters, Janners, Stigs, Scallies, Hood Rats, whatever you know them as, this site is about them, Britain's peasant underclass that are taking over our towns and cities!"

Want more? Go to www.chavscum.co.uk!

I don't usually advertise other websites on here, unless they are mine or a mates, but I thought this site was too funny for you to miss!