Why Is Everything So Difficult?
Right, guess I better say welcome to my blog, and that’s the end of that...
I think I made a big mistake today, this blog to be precise; two of my mates use this Blogger.com blog things, and every time I post a reply to the random things they write I have to put at the bottom of the post that it's me that’s posted, are you with me so far? Right, so I thought 'I know (thinking I'm clever), I'll sign up with Blogger so I can post messages under a username, and everyone will know it's me!' But is it that simple, NO, you need to create a blog of your own, so I thought it couldn't be that bad, and went for it. And guess what... can you have the first 15 usernames or blog addresses you want, wait for it... NO, because its not allowed, or someone else has it, or it has an illegal symbol in it, or its too long, or too short, or written upside down, or because its a Friday, and you can only use spangles on a Thursday, and a squillion other random reasons!!! So you manage to get passed that bit, AT LAST, and then what happens, you need to pick random shitty templately things, none of which are that good, but because you are still on 56k dial up, the pic take ages to load, by this point your smashing your head on the desk, before you realise you've just nutted your soggy toasted cheese sandwich, and half the contents are now on the wall, but you ignore that, that’s a job for the cats, why else would we have them (comment and you die, yes that means YOU Pete, Nick and Lees), anyway, you get past that, and manage after ages to set up this daft bloggy thing you know you will use for about a week before never returning to it again, and you make big fuck off mistake number two; creating a profile, yes, sounds simple doesn't it, well... IT ISN'T!!! No, of course, it can't be simple; they always make it so you have to spend hours trying to set these things up! Soooo, everything looks like it might be going well, until you get to the age boxes, where it takes you 5 attempts before you realise that it is the American date set up (mm/dd/yyyy) and NOT the English date set up (dd/mm/yyyy), right, minor set back, but you still have an ounce of hope that things will go your way, for once, until... can you guess? They throw another oojar at you, the profile picture, it HAS to be a url link, they don't do the easy peasy picture uploads, soooo... you have to spend another 5 minutes trying to find your old online photo store hosty thing, AND THEN, when you’ve finally uploaded it at under 56kbps, you then enter the url into the box thing, and, can you guess it… the url is too long, so, you then have to start all over again, this time uploading it with a shorter name to a different part of your photo host oojar thing!! Then, well, you think you’ve got through it all, you think you’ve made it, but no, the kind people at freeserve, or wannado (or whatever their name is now…) kick you full pelt in the teeth, YOU LOSE CONNECTION, 10 minutes of dialling later you’re back online, BUT, you can’t find your blog, because perhaps it doesn’t exist, or just because baby Jesus hates you, who knows, but either way it takes TWENTY MINUTES to find it, and to start typing this post, part way through which those kind people at freeserve do it again, thank you, so you have to quickly copy what you’ve written so far and paste it into Microsoft Word, just in case something blows up, BUT, you then remember, that Microsoft, being Microsoft have decided to create programs that not only cost you an arm and a leg, but also create them so that when you install them on a shitty computer they take ages to load, just so that they have the time to bend you over a bar and arse-rape you for the second time running!!!
Ah well, that’s my little rant over for the time being, when Microsoft and Freeserve remove their cocks from my arse I might find the time to post another message, but until then, ciao.
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