A Day In The Life Of Ed...
Hellohar all, yes, I'm still alive, I think... Anyway, here is a typical day off work in my shoes, for you to all laugh at:
1) Get Up at 7:30 ish,
2) Eat Breakfast,
3) Go back to bed,
4) Get up later than planned (9:10),
5) Fall asleep in the shower,
6) Rag it to school as fast as poss, which is quite slow really!
7) Get 'A' Level results,
8) Screech round new roundabout giving mate a lift to S/Walden,
9) Cut up a Renault MPV, laugh at gestures received,
10) Piss about trying to park,
11) Do some banking,
12) Sort out bank cards,
13) Loose Debit Card in ATM,
14) Buy petrol,
15) Go home,
16) Open Credit Card,
17) Eat,
18) Rag it back to S/Walden,
19) Buy Ben's tyres et al,
20) Drive to Dunmow,
21) Destroy mini football pitch,
22) Park in a verge (Re: chewing gum),
23) Rag it home,
24) Eat,
25) Go on here...
A marginally more in-depth veiw:
1, 2 & 3) Right, basically, I prefer getting up, then eating breakfast, then going back to bed, you should try it, I just don't suggest you do it on a day where you're supposed to be going to work!
4) Yes, alarm went off, i hit it, then fell back to sleep for 10 minutes!
5) Might be more information than you wanted, but I was in the shower, and fell asleep, happens from time to time...
6) Thinking I was going to be late, I decided to rag it to school, but my car can't go that fast, especally in the back roads!
7) Yes, stumbled into queuey-like-thing, grabbed results, and ran, prob upset a few people by blanking them, so if you read this 'sorry'.
8) Being the kind person that I am, I decided to give a mate a lift to Saffron Walden, as I was going that way, but somebody keeps putting roundabouts right in my way...
9) Didn't pull away quite as fast as intended from a mini-roundabout, so cut up an MPV, still, his suttle 'wanker' guesture was funny! Once again, if you are reading this , 'sorry', -This is getting a bit of a habbit, might just have to start writing 'sorry to everyone' in big letters at the bottom of each post!
10) Too difficult, with the shade and the sunlight and the spangles.
11) Sort of self-explanitary methinks...
12) Right, longish story, I have three accounts with one bank, two banking and one savings, the cash card for one of the banking accounts was due to be replaced this month, and it came through yesterday, but so did another one for that account, plus one for the other banking account, with I only opened two months ago, and one for the saving account, which I shouldn't still have as it is for up to 17s... So I wandered in, and found out that it was because I made an ammendment to one letter in my second middle name... still with me, no, good good. So that was that sorted, BUT, nothings ever that simple with me...
13) While trying to change the pin on one of the new cards, which happens to be my debit card, I mashed the keypad with my hand one too many times, so the ATM ate it, git. This would not normally be a problem, but they have to post it back to me via snail mail, and I leave on a boating holiday on Saturday, and you can guess where the money for the food is can't you!
14) Even such a little thing like buying petrol can go wrong for me, I failed to notice the 'pay at kiosk' button on the pump display, so I was trying to use the pump for a good couple of minutes to no avail, or anvil, but thats a different story... So yes, finally figured it out, and all you drivers out there will have this trouble -why can you never get a square figure out of the pumps, I wanted £10 of fuel, what did I stop it on? ...£10.01, do they rig the machines or something? Anyway, feeling like a pratt because of the button thing, I forget to take note of the pump number, but the girl at the counter seemed to know, but she was probably laughing at me when I was trying to operate the pump without prodding the buttons!
15) Slowly drive home with my tail between my legs.
16) LIGHT... at the end of the tunnel!!! My credit card came through, so now it dosen't matter too much about the debit card getting back to me, one problem is the chip and pin thing, other than the stupid idea of it that is, -they send the pin 10 days later, oh joy! I'll just have to try to sign for it...
17) Mmmmmmm... toasted cheeze and ham sandwich...
18) Back to Saffron Walden, now armed with a credit card!
19) The original idea was for me to buy some tyres and inner tubes for my brother's moped using the debit card, then he could just do a transfer and give me the money back, but the ATM ate that card, hence why I couldn't get them earlier! As it turns out the dude at the shop was happy for me to sign... they don't have a chip and pin system, infact, they still use those metal plates with the slider on the top... we need more shops like that!
20) Well, not Dunmow as such, Great Easton really, where I had the booze-up weekend.
21) Some little "C U Next Tuesday"s have been vandalising our plot of land, including breaking into sheds. They keep building temp goals out of bits off wood, so I keep ripping them down, I just hope I catch them on there one day!
22) I'm not a pikey, honest, I just wanted some chewing gum, and there was half a stick in the passenger footwell in my car, still wrapped I hasent to add, so as I was slowing up for a T-junction I reached for it, and parked on a verge! Turns out the chewing gum had gone manky, so I didn't eat it anyway!
23) Drove home, why do they keep changing speed limits?
24) I was hungary alright, stop staring at me!
25) Yes, here I am now...
So there we go, my day off, so what did you do today?