07 August 2005

Too Much... Almost...

Right, as already mentioned, there was the three day booze-up in a plot of land in the middle of no-where, now I've just got back from my uncle's 40th birthday bash -I may have got a bit tipsy! Next weekend... the TGP staff party in a glasshouse, lots of booze, then, results for the A Levels come out the following Thursday, I think. Plus, on the Saturday after... is the boat trip to the Broads! I think I might need a rest from the booze for a while after all that lot!!!

By the way, yes, my hair is bright green!

I will write another post soon, maybe, but I am getting slightly bored of this thing... I might just let it crash and burn...


At 18 August, 2005 14:32, Blogger Ed. M said...

Seemed like a good idea, at the time!
Hair was sort of bright green, and glowed under UV lights!


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